Stand By
The robot waits for user commands in the format: (pickup location, drop-off location, target object). Upon receiving the command, the robot executes the following procedures.
Move to Pick
- Remembers its "original position" for later return
- Calculates path from current position to pickup location
- Moves to pickup location following the calculated path -
Find Target
- Scans surroundings using arm-mounted camera
- Adjusts camera position and angle when target is detected
- Centers target object in camera view -
Approach Target
- Controls wheels to approach the target
- Maintains target at camera center through continuous adjustment
- Positions robot at optimal distance for pickup -
Pick Target
- Uses Visual Servoing for precise arm control
- Grasps target object
- Loads target into storage compartment -
Move to Place
- Calculates path to drop-off location
- Navigates to destination following planned path -
Place Target
- Controls robotic arm to unload target
- Places object at designated location -
Move to Base
- Calculates return path to original position
- Returns to starting position
- Prepares for next command